The problem with our city sewer water network
Heavy metal toxicity detection is crucial, But current detection method is not reliable
The discharge of effluent containing pollutants such as heavy metals into the used water system can be detrimental to biological treatment processes and may cause adverse effects to the downstream water processes. Manual sampling couldn’t be a reliable approach to prevent illegal/accidental effluent discharge to sewage network. Other existing technologies/ methods are not able to detect heavy metals continuously and on 24/7 basis
About EnvironSens
A Fast Growing Biosensor Company
EnvironSens is a spin-off from NUS in 2018 and the team has worked closely with Public Utilities Board (PUB), Singapore, since 2011 for a water bodies monitoring System: Intelligent Integrated Bio Sensor (I2BioS) System. The system is based on Microbial Electrochemical Sensor technologies.
We are supported by Enterprise Singapore, venture funded and incubated by JCS Venture Lab.

Our Technologies
Intelligent Integrated Bio Sensor (I2BioS)
Intelligent Integrated Bio Sensor (I2BioS) System is a online and continuous monitoring system of heavy metal toxicity in water bodies and sewer network.
It provides 24/7 Real-time monitoring on water toxicity and quality. It monitors real time data and send SMS alert and to concerned personnel for any excursion events. The system automately collects the toxic sample when the alert is triggered.
The Key Advantage of I2BioS
A online and continuous monitoring system of heavy metal toxicity in water bodies and sewer network.

Standalone I2BioS provides End-to-end solution to customer

Embedded algorithm for accurate detection of toxic chemicals
(i.e., copper, cadmium, nickel, zinc, cyanide, etc.)

Online continuous monitoring system with 24/7 SMS alert